The conference is supported by

Estonian Cultural Endowment

Tallinn City Enterprise Department

Estonian Screenwriters Guild welcomes donations

We are a small non-profit organisation and our main source of income is membership fees and funding for individual projects from local funds, which usually require at least 10% of self-financing. Our work is mostly volunteer-based and we have no paid staff. Your donation will help us organise the upcoming conference, workshops, networking events and other activities.

MTÜ Eesti Stsenaristide Gild
Swedbank account EE892200221069927592

Find out more about ESG on our homepage.

Toeta meid

Mittetulundusühinguna sõltub ESG tegevus liikmemaksudest ja fondide toetustest. Gildis pole palgatöötajaid, töö on suures osas õhinapõhine.  Sinu toetust kasutame eelseisva konverentsi kulude katmiseks ning edasipidi täiendkoolituste, töötubade, koostöö- ja muude ürituste korraldamiseks.

MTÜ Eesti Stsenaristide Gild
Swedbank a/a EE89 2200 2210 6992 7592

Lisainfo Gildi kohta